Saturday, 22 March 2014

Ave Satanas

Mmmmm... Black Metal, you are so tasty.

Although, I say that, but I cannot stand the high levels of godawful production within the genre. So, I guess when I say 'mmm Black Metuls' I mean, 'Mmmm, Melodic/Symphonic/Pagan/Atmospheric/Gothic Black Metal with good production standards.' That, however, is a bit of a mouthful.
Also, dear Nocturnal Mortum, ie. my favourite black metal band, why do you have to be NSBM? Ultimately I don't give a shit and I'll happily support you financially by buying your things because you make me happy with your delicious music. But why. I'm really not trve kvlt though - I wear the biggest of smiles pretty much permanently.
I got horribly lost on youtube yesterday whilst scraping the barrel for something good and interesting that I haven't listened to. I found myself listening to fucking Nazi marches due to NSBM bands. Whoops, ahaha. At least with Nokturnal Mortum I can happily be oblivious to what they are on about due to having no grasp of the Ukranian language.

My Black Metal playlist is looking pretty damn juicy right now. A glorious 15Gb of it. 4 and a half days worth of music. I'd play it non-sop for that but the transformer to my docking station broke and I don't have the excellent stereo I have at home with me. Laptop speaker quality is fucking killing me. I am a bit of an audiophile, so I keep falling asleep with my headphones on. Though it actually means I keep waking up feeling really happy because I've had black metal blasting in my ears throughout the entirety of my slumber, wahaha.

Give pl0x.

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