Sunday, 9 March 2014

16-Bit Goth.

Holy fuck I spent 2 hours on Terraria trying to find a divers helm. Even with a water candle... Ahhh dear.
Sorry. I realise it's been a long time since I have posted anything on here, all sorts has been going on so internet shenanigans have really taken a back seat. However, this week I have played an absolute FUCK TONNE of Terraria. I have now played around 250 hours on it, which is a rather large amount of time.
This is good, but also bad considering I really want Starbound, and I know if I had it my hours would probably be going into that. But alas, I haven't had money to buy it - or rather, I've had more important things to spend my cash on.
In Terraria built a Necromancer's Lair, which you can see below, on a world that is supposed to be played on with me and my friends and younger sister. Unfortunately, I have played on this world oh so so much solo, so much so that I'm really ready to plunge it into hard mode and my sister hasn't even finished building her ice house yet. Whoops.

While I'm banging on about 16-bit games, I'd like to add that I really want Stardew Valley to come out. Holy fuck, I neeeeeeed my multiplayer Harvest Moon. I've wanted this for so so long. It's getting close to finished now, which is fucking glorious. Also, I really want Towerfall Ascension to come onto Steam. Honestly I was almost tempted to get an Ouya just to play it with my friends.
For some reason I have a boner for 16 bit games. Oh, and two and a half D, holy fuck. I guess for me the less D's the better, wahaha.
That also reminds me, that my PSP has gone really really unloved lately, which is silly, it's such a wonderful thing. But I guess it's because I nearly completed Valkyrie Profile on it and that was ripped away from the delicious A ending by 2 points TToTT but anyway, it reminds me as I adore Shining Soul on the GBA, and I play it on my psp because Shining Soul is pretty expensive as far as GBA games go, currently I can buy 1 and 2 boxed on eBay for £70, but there are no other copies of the first game.

Another notable thing, is that my PS3 is still dead. And Theif 4 has come out. And I can't play it. Because my PS3 is dead. Gahhhhh. Soon. (I hope).
I want to be all super sneaky >;D

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