Friday, 20 December 2013

Stabby Stab

I got They Bleed Pixels >;D Yes, another game to play, but I want to play a non-rpg, so I figured I'd pick it up whilst it was on sale.

I've been reading Dracula: The Undead, by Dacre Stoker and Ian Holt lately. I was very lucky and managed to pick up a very very pretty hardback copy of it in the pound shop! It has no British RRP, but the US one is $27! So I feel like I got an utter steal. Also, a quick google tells me that a paperback copy on Amazon goes for £7, so I really did well for myself here.
It's pretty good - but then I have a huge boner for Vampires - of the cool kind of course. Fuck that sparkly teenage romance bollocks. Though at the moment my room has a fine layer of glitter on everything as I spray dyed my friends hair white in here last weekend, and that's actually pretty cool. It's not written amazingly, but I'm enjoying the imagery. Elizabeth Bathory though - Lesbian Vampire who is kinky as fuck and highly fetishises blood. What isn't there to love? Pahaha.

I have a pretty large list of books I need to get through, but I'm a slow reader; and although I have access to all of the ebooks I could ever want, nothing beats a physical copy. If I had a tablet things might change, but that's not happening.
Some of the books I need to read are kinda shameful. As in, I really fucking should have read these by now. When I was a kid I had read everything in the entire house, but as I entered my teenage years and got the internet that changed. Hopefully I'll get back into it ;D

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