Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Why yes, I am back so soon.

Well, it's no surprise, that as per usual, anything slightly different is extremely exciting to me; and, due to my excitement, I lose my train of thought and get distracted, only to then come back to it later on and carry out what I initially had in mind.

As stated prior, I am not sure what direction this will blog tangent off / spiral into, but for the mean time I just wish to post some interesting things - many of which will simply be a reminder to myself of the cool things I happen upon during my internet travels.
A large amount of the content will likely be music related, since music is probably my greatest love in life (after my dear friends and family of course), and so I will be linking a lot of bands that catch my attention during my youtube and internet trawls.

I have stages of listening to loads of new music; especially when I'm doing a lot of internet browsing; and then there will be a huge dry spell (which is rather funny considering a lot of my friends would laugh and say I don't know the meaning of dry ;P). But during the monsoon, I will listen to an overwhelmingly large amount of bands, some of which I will like a little and pass by, only to later realise that I really rather liked them and have now forgotten their name. So, if you haven't guessed it already, I will be using this blog to aid my memory and its terribleness with regards to names of things.

I have a great love of vampires, so it is only right that I like to listen to terribly cheesy Vampire Gothic Metal (looking at you Theatres Des Vampires). As a result of looking for more music with Vampire lyrical themes and musical influences I stumbled upon this lovely playlist on youtube. It contains the music of bands I know and like, such as: Theatres Des Vampires, Dimmu Borgir, Moonspell, Noktunal Mortum, Siebenburgen and Cradle of Filth. It also contained many other interesting bands.
Notable examples include the following:

Lord Vampyr - Theatres Des Vampires ex-lead singers 'new' band, and I have gone years without realising this. Having a critical ear within my genres did me well; I realised upon listening to a single song that this bands vocalist sounded exactly like Theatres Des Vampires ex-singer, and I should probably check out as to why this is the case.
Music-wise, I would not call them a quality band, but I am a complete sucker for Alessandro's tortured vocals and screechy roars. The Symphonic-Black'ness' of them is satisfactory enough for me to enjoy a few songs of theirs.
Favourite song thus far: A Sad Litany of Vampires

Lamia Antitheus - these are reminiscent of older COF during their symphonic black metal days, so this really does please me. Unfortunately, although they are said to be active upon the metal-archives, all other evidence points to otherwise - only 11 people like their facebook page, their last release was in '07, as was their last official website update - which is pretty disappointing considering I am a very active member of the metal community who loves to see the bands I adore live. They don't seem to have too much music available to listen to, but to find something cool is rare for me, so I am pleased regardless.
Favourite so far: A Vampiric Romance

Blackthorn - An all female Gothic-Symphonic Metal band. Surprisingly, this doesn't excite me anywhere as much as anyone who knows me well would think it would. I guess it's because I love my beauty and the beast vocals so much and Russia is very far away to go to aquire attractive women, ehe. They are most pleasurable to listen to regardless. My favourite song of theirs however is one that the lead singer produced as a single with Dementher Grail.
Here is that sexy piece of music: The Moribund People

Advent Sorrow - I can't remember how I happened upon these now. They lead to me discovering a very good youtube channel and thus leading me onto my Vampiric Metal excavation, but regardless, they are some very nice Symphonic Black Metal. Sadly for me, they are from Australia, and unsigned, which means my chances of seeing them is pretty slim unless something changes. Still - hope is always a good thing right?
My current favourite of theirs: The Wraith In Silence

And~ that concludes my little *cough*huge*cough* discussion about my latest musical encounters. Thank you to anyone who took the time to read this and if you like anything similar feel free to drop me a comment or something - I'd love to chat >;D

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